.It’s like you’re drowning.
You’re in a perpetual state of worry – your mind is flooded with fear, doubt, and nervousness.
You ruminate on situations, seeking resolution or certainty. But you come up empty, dropping you into another round of catastrophic thinking.
All this anxiety has led to a shame cycle, and at the end of the day…
You’re just not showing up in life as your authentic self.
Taking a closer look…
Let’s face it, anxiety gets a bad reputation. After all, it’s a normal emotion, and something we need to survive. It protects us from danger.
But when we’re in a chronic state of severe anxiety (or even panic), our body’s natural alarm system (fight, flight, or freeze) begins to perceive non-threatening situations as dangerous.
In other words, your mind and body are constantly bombarded with false alarms.
You can make the anxiety work for you – not against you.
Okay… initially, this will feel like one of those “keep your enemy close” situations. But to befriend anxiety, we must understand it.
First, we’ll take a holistic view of your life. We’ll identify anything that could be influencing or amplifying your anxiety. We always want to rule out anything medically related, so I may encourage you to check with your doctor for blood work.
Then, we’ll eliminate the harmful anxiety by retraining your brain.
We’ll work to regulate your nervous system through cognitive and somatic (mind and body) approaches.
Part of this will include building up your tolerance for distress by learning to sit with your anxiety.
Throughout the process, I’ll also teach you about the science of anxiety, such as the role your brain plays and the associated physiological responses.
Make anxiety your friend, not your foe!
I can’t wait to meet you and get started!
Call today, and we’ll schedule your free consultation: (856) 200-8205.